Monday, January 13, 2014


To our mind a phrase such as "beyond the sublime void" is like the sun: too hot to approach, too bright to observe, too gargantuan to conceive from our perch here on earth.  Yet from millions of miles away the sun's effulgence illuminates and enlivens everything on this planet, and just so will basking in this phrase illumine seekers after enlightenment.  We will never wrap our mental arms around it, but like seedlings sprouting towards this sun our spiritual lives begin to quicken and flourish as we contemplate the ineffable. That is its purpose in these instructions, to impel us beyond assertion and discrimination, beyond negation or cessation, beyond thought or concept or anything born of or apprehended by mind. Ultimately we realize that even "beyond the sublime void" amounts to a veil over what it signifies.

Realize the Self as pervading and subsisting in the void and in the non-void, as different from both void and non-void, not as intermediate between them, nor as partly void and partly non-void.     

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