Thursday, December 19, 2013


Because it can be reproduced by anyone who follows this path--diligently, earnestly--enlightenment is the spiritual answer for this age of science and skepticism.  Faith is supplanted by tangible experience, real bliss, not emotionally induced religious ecstasies.  Real bliss is not some temporary surge of extreme happiness or sensory overload.  It is characterized by freedom from constriction, expansiveness, absence of impingement of body and mind and what we construe as external and internal worlds.

Enlightenment is constant, not temporal.  If we must call it a state of being, then it is a default state, always running like an operating system behind the computer program of our lives.  The program may be turned on (birth) or turned off (death), while what we really are precedes, under-girds and proceeds regardless.  Jesus alluded to this when he spoke of a "kingdom of God within you" and referred to himself as "I am the vine."  Seasons may pass, leaves will fall and flowers wither and then blossom again, while the vine abides forever.       

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